Monday, November 18, 2013

Concerned Citizen

            When we first started to throw around ideas of whom we might like to get to know better as a concerned citizen, we thought maybe someone that works at an animal shelter, or doctors that were doing innovative things with patients. But then we watched the Fit for the Kingdom video that was centered around the LDS poet, Rusty, where it was in a much more intimate setting where we really got to know what kind of person he was and what his inspirations were. This led us to choosing someone like him that was doing something relatively small in the community, but still making a difference.
            In Goldbard’s article, she references a few instances where policy seemed a bit behind the times, with the Muslim women and their hijabs, and the growing prison population in the US. Knowing we wouldn’t be able to tackle an issue quite as big as either of these, we decided to tackle a smaller issue, but still one in which the citizen was doing something that didn’t quite fall in line with the larger community around him. Josh Palkki is a student at BYU, residing here in Provo, but grew up in Oregon, where he was raised to recycle. We thought it would be interesting to discuss with him why he continued collecting recyclables, even though it is more difficult to recycle here. For our video we took inspiration from something we found on vimeo about an artist in LA (link). In the short, we spend a lot of time listening to what the artist has to say while he’s sitting in a chair, but there are cutaways to some of the work that he’s done and things that help you further understand what he is saying and who he is as an artist. This is why we decided to include a lot of the interview, he had some really interesting things to say and we thought it would be beneficial to include things like his dirty kitchen to sort of contrast how he is an avid recycler but is maybe more lax in other aspects of his life.
            An interesting issue that we ran into while we were trying to find an apartment complex nearby that had recycling set up for students (so we could film some cutaways there), was that there was no such thing. We spent nearly an hour searching for one and came up short, having to go on campus and to the dorms to find any actual recycling bins. This was comical since we had just discussed with Josh how it was much more difficult to find anywhere in Provo to actually recycle. Our hope in spotlighting Josh and recycling is others might be impacted by what he has to say, like we were, and take more steps in helping the community around them.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Protest Poster

            Sharks are hands down my favorite animal of all time. Shark week is on par with the Christmas season for me, and I take the Christmas season very seriously. When I first thought of what I might do for this project though, I immediately thought of dolphins because of the documentary The Cove, but since were trying to deal more with issues that we feel are underrepresented, I had to go with sharks. Out of all marine life that is hunted, I feel like sharks are pretty low on the totem poll because they aren’t represented as very friendly creatures historically, in comparison to whales and dolphins that are also slaughtered but have bigger movements to save them because they are “nicer”.
            My poster was obviously inspired by the film Jaws, which was a real jumping off point for the medias negative depiction of sharks. This has led to other films where the antagonist is a shark (or sharks) like Shark Night, Red Water, and Deep Blue Sea. These all perpetuate the stereotype that sharks are out to get humans, when in reality there are as few at 50-70 shark attacks each year, with only 5-15 of them being fatal (according to National Geographic). The story of the shark is like what Chimamanda said in her Ted talk, where she urged that people just kept hearing different versions of the same story. I feel that since people have been taught that sharks are after humans, it makes then less inclined to care about their well being.
            The real issue here though, is that millions of sharks are killed every year (anywhere from 63 to 273 million according to, mainly to make soup from their fins. They are caught, have their fins sliced off, and tossed back into the ocean to die, or in other cases brought back to land to be tossed in a mass shark graveyard in the middle of the dessert, since finning sharks like this is illegal (sorry, I couldn’t find the actual source for this, I watched it on shark week earlier this year, it took place in Mexico). For the past few years, protective measures have been put into place, but since this takes place in the ocean its harder to police, evidenced by the still declining shark population which has dropped drastically just in the last decade because of the popularity of shark fin soup, causing a 90-99% decline in population of the seven most targeted shark species including hammerhead, bull, and tiger sharks (

            By switching the roles of the antagonist and protagonist in the Jaws poster, I was hoping to bring awareness to the fact that we are detrimentally more harmful to sharks than they are to us. I believe that the issue gets somewhat shoved under the rug because of sharks long standing representation as predatory on humans, when in reality shark attacks are few and far between and is mostly confusion on their part. In posting this on my social media site (my mothers actually, I don’t have a Facebook), I found that people indeed really don’t care about sharks. There were only comments like, “I wonder how crazy the ocean would be if that many weren’t killed every year,” and “that guy looks like Mrs. Doubtfire,” so that was kind of disappointing. Hopefully people at least saw it and looked up why it is happening. Save the Sharks!

Friday, November 1, 2013


            We were inspired to choose Television versus Movies because we knew we wanted to show our differences through the sounds we chose. Aralie is more interested in television, while Hailey is more into films. So, because of this we intertwined our favorite television shows and movies to create a continuous battle of sounds. We first started with a very prominent movie and television sound track. We did this because we wanted to engage audience and bring them into our sound sphere. We initially wanted to just go in chronological order, which we still mostly did, but after reading the DJ spooky article were we were encouraged to read things out of order, we thought it would also be interesting if we mixed up the sound track a bit. That is the reason why the beginning and end are out of order. Fresh Prince and Breaking Bad are very recognizable themes and so are The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Dark Knight.
            Aralie took inspiration from “A Day in the Life” a Beatles song that switches up in the middle. It almost seems like two songs, but also still flows together nicely; it creates chaos, but also is pleasing to the ear. It is a hard technique to replicate, but we tried our hardest. Hailey took inspiration from “Look After You vs. Barry Bonds”, a mash up that mixes a The Fray song with the rapper Kanye West’s lyrics to form one song with very opposing sounds that somehow work together. This led to the mash up of The Godfather soundtrack, which is a big beautiful orchestral movement with the harsh sounds of The Jaws soundtrack to come together to make an interesting and somehow pleasing mix of sounds.

            Our performance was exhilarating and nerve wracking, but turned out very well, with only one minor problem of a clip being played out of place. It was exciting to be able to hear the crowd react from the themes and quotes that we decided to play. We knew that certain clips would bring nostalgia, but we were unsuspecting of the laughter that followed. Overall it was a great experience to be able to perform live and have it go as well as it did.

the good the bad the ugly

wizard of oz

pink panther

the godfather
make him an offer

bigger boat

star wars
chewy                    WAIT
i am your father     WAIT

indiana jones

return to your place

jurassic park

i love you jack    WAIT

capn jack

dark knight
die a hero  21